1a: I AM Members Chapter 1, Part 1 Energetic Awareness
I AM ⭕️: Opening Discussion: We can seek spiritual and psychological growth through the Covid 19 trauma. We will get through this together, and we will be stronger for it.
Reading and Discussion on Chapter 1 : “ENERGETIC AWARENESS”
Maggie leads you through lighthearted discussion on very deep Metaphysical and Philosophical concepts. Understanding more about the science behind Synchronicity, Space-time continuum, Chaos theory will bring you healing and enlightenment through mind-and-body union.
This Chapter 1 Talk is recommended to be followed with:
I AM ⭕️ Mindfulness Breath Meditation.
“I AM” is Eastern Spirituality and Western Brain Science to develop mind, body, spirit unity. Calm anxiety, open your mind. Seek support; this book is
for you to grow in positive ways through strife, rather than shrink into fear, resentment or hopelessness.