I AM Members Chapter 1, Part 2: Revised Space Time Continuum

I AM ⭕️ Reading: Chapter1 Part 2 p. 6-10 Revisited.

Space time continuum, Synchronicity, Projection, Desire, and Somatic Awareness, Rejuvenation. Maggie leads you through this discussion and reading. *This shortened video is offered so that you can revisit these concepts easily as they are important foundational aspects to your development of mental process and spiritual perspective.

“I AM” is Eastern Spirituality and Western Brain Science to develop ABOUT THE BOOK:

“I AM” is Eastern Spirituality and Western Brain Science to develop mind, body, spirit unity. Calm anxiety, open your mind. Seeking support? This book was created to
help you grow in positive ways through strife, rather than shrink into fear, resentment or hopelessness. Develop your greatest potential.

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